Sun Planet Yogurt Lattes harness the power of the sun in a can. They are a high-protein blend of espresso and Greek yogurt that give you the extra boost you need to start your day. It’s out of this world.
What is a Yogurt Latte?
Yogurt coffee originated in Vietnam in the form of a drink called Sua Chua Cafe, made with coffee, yogurt, and condensed milk. With the growing popularity of canned coffee because of its convenience and affordability, I was surprised to find no premade version for sale. So I decided to create my own using high-protein Greek yogurt and no added sugars. This makes it a great healthy coffee drink on the go. 
Design Decisions
To stand out on the coffee shelf of mostly browns and neutrals, I highlighted each flavor with a bold color. I did custom type for the two logos to also draw attention to the packaging. This bright aesthetic appeals to the target audience of young adults, who often work late into the night and need extra caffeine quickly from vending machines.
To market this new product, Sun Planet can partner with grocery stores such as Wegmans and publish an ad and coupon in their magazine. On social media, they can appeal to consumers through humor and playful graphics.
Retail Presence
As part of the marketing strategy, Sun Planet can have its own fridge in the grab-and-go section of grocery stores. The vibrant purple is eye-catching and makes people want to know what's inside. Sun Planet can also live in the healthy drink section of grocery stores with the option of building a custom 6-pack. Rather than committing to one flavor, they can choose a variety of flavors to try, which would lead to a higher chance of liking one of them
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