A loading screen referencing the bouncing DVD logo that can be used before concerts on the big screen and as a laptop home screen for fans.

Project Goal
Design an effective and exciting logo for a band featured in one of my writing projects and create related posters and designs to build a full brand package.
About the Band
Static Spirits is a band located in a small town comprised of regular college students writing and playing shows on their summer break. Oh, and one of their songwriters is a ghost.

A New Idea
I constructed the letters with rectangles. Then I rounded the corners and tried different letter connections until I reached a "final" version.

The Eureka Moment
In a moment of inspiration, I started pulling the anchor points of the rectangles and creating new, messy, abstract forms that better match the band's aesthetic and music.

Final Design

Show Posters Process
When designing for a band, one of the most important parts is their show posters. I experimented with the TV error bars and then with wavy lines as the main motif.

This project is also featured on the RIT Website